2017年,加州立法机构也颁布了 第343号议会条例草案, which establishes a new exemption from nonresident tuition for refugees with special immigrant visas (SIVs) who have fled Afghanistan, 伊拉克, 叙利亚或其他国家.
自2018年1月1日起, 教育法典第68075条.6 (1)在伊拉克受雇于美国政府或代表美国政府工作的伊拉克公民或国民(及其配偶和子女)免除非居民学费, 以及符合某些标准的人(编. 法典第68075条.6,再分. (b)(1); Public Law 110-181, § 1244); (2) translators (和 their spouses 和 children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces, 以及符合某些标准的人(编. 法典第68075条.6; Public Law 109-163, § 1059); 和 (3) refugees (Ed. 法典第68075条.6,再分. (b)(1), 8 U.S.C. § 1157). These exemptions only apply to those who settled in California upon entering the United States. (Ed. 法典第68075条.6,再分. (b)(1).在美国其他地方定居的学生, 和 then moved to California would not be eligible for this exemption 和 would be required to either establish residency or pay nonresident tuition. 下 教育法典第68122条, T 和 U visa holders are also exempt from nonresident tuition by extension of 第343号议会条例草案.
第343号议会条例草案 also states that the exemption for a student is only available for the maximum time it would take for the student to establish residency. (Ed. 法典第68075条.6,再分. (b)(1).)那时候, 因此,任何非居民学费豁免, will expire one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States. (Ed. 法典第68017条.非居民免学费期满后, 该学生要么已经在加州定居, 或者有意愿在其他地方居住, 还要缴纳非居民学费.
- The Refugee 和 Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Nonresident Tuition Exemption petition can be found on the 形式 页面.